You never will so I'll tell you!
I got to see a.........
CESAREAN SECTION!!! So cool. You know, when a uterus is taken out of the abdominal cavity it greatly resembles an uncooked turkey! The baby was a boy. The surgery was performed by a resident so I got to hear it "narrated" in a quiet voice by the attending. There was also a new resident observing so the attending pointed out the anatomy. The scrub tech got me into the surgery. She taught me all about what she does and she let me gown and glove up so I could be right up next to the doctor while she performed the surgery. It was awesome. Here's a cool pic of a c-section. (This is not the one I was at. This morning's was a breech so his hiney came out first!)

I got to see a.........
CESAREAN SECTION!!! So cool. You know, when a uterus is taken out of the abdominal cavity it greatly resembles an uncooked turkey! The baby was a boy. The surgery was performed by a resident so I got to hear it "narrated" in a quiet voice by the attending. There was also a new resident observing so the attending pointed out the anatomy. The scrub tech got me into the surgery. She taught me all about what she does and she let me gown and glove up so I could be right up next to the doctor while she performed the surgery. It was awesome. Here's a cool pic of a c-section. (This is not the one I was at. This morning's was a breech so his hiney came out first!)

Labor and deliver and c-sections are so cool. It is so neat to see how humans develop from two half cells into once completely, different from anybody else ever made, person. I am in awe.

This pic is on my desk top. Is it not cool?
I think that is why I love this service in the hospital so much. Every day is a miracle. Even when the baby's don't survive it is an opportunity to witness God's perfect plan. From birth I have noticed that these new little people are not only different in their DNA make up, but in personality, too. Some babies will be unwrapped, bathed, weighed, changed, and all manner of being handled and never make a sound. Others start screaming the second the first layer is unwrapped. Others are in between. Each of these little people are designed personally by God. Wow.

This pic is on my desk top. Is it not cool?
I think that is why I love this service in the hospital so much. Every day is a miracle. Even when the baby's don't survive it is an opportunity to witness God's perfect plan. From birth I have noticed that these new little people are not only different in their DNA make up, but in personality, too. Some babies will be unwrapped, bathed, weighed, changed, and all manner of being handled and never make a sound. Others start screaming the second the first layer is unwrapped. Others are in between. Each of these little people are designed personally by God. Wow.
That is what makes it ten times sadder when I see babies like another one I saw last night, whose mothers don't think while they are pregnant and do drugs and don't take care of themselves. That baby will go home today to live with the mother that put it in this constant state of addiction and immediate drug rehab. Why should a baby have to go through detox immediately after birth? In this unit I work in I not only see the glory and wonder of God's creation, but I also see how man is able to damage and destroy it. Heaven will be so wonderful when we can see God's glory and not mess it up with our stupidity.
God be praised for his wondrous works, even if we don't understand them. God be praised for sending his own son as such a small, vulnerable baby. God be praised for sending that son to the cross so that we, who are constantly messing up, might be with him and praise him without hindrance.