So, I don't think I mentioned it in my previous blog, but when we had our ultrasound (U/S) at 18 weeks we were told that David only had two vessels in his umbilical cord. A normal umbilical cord will have three blood vessels in it - 2 arteries and 1 vein. The arteries flow from the placenta and thus from the mother, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The vein flows from the fetus, bringing waste products to the mother. If there is only one artery (as they were telling us there was with our umbilical cord) there is a risk for decreased O2 and nutrients getting to the fetus causing the growth to be slowed and causing a potential for other problems. When we found out there were only 2 vessels my midwife told us not to worry - this kind of thing happens all the time. She would have us get another U/S at 28 weeks to make sure David was growing appropriately.
Well. We went to get our 28 week U/S Wednesday and lo and behold - 3 blood vessels in the umbilical cord. Hmmmm...Amazing. God grew an extra artery. Right? I do not put it past him. After all He has definitely done even more miraculous things in the past. I have seen them myself. However, I am thinking someone missed something in the first U/S. There are definitely 3 vessels. I saw them in color and black and white. Very obvious. It is kinda like waking up at 3 in the morning when your alarm is set to go off at 6. Irritating, but gosh it is a relief to realize you can go back to sleep for a few more hours. Irritating that the concern was present, but at the same time a big relief.
The whole time between 18 and 28 weeks I never felt worried. Even though I am an OB nurse and know exactly what can happen I was never afraid for my little man's safety. I never felt out of control or without an amazing peace. God, who knew exactly what was going on the entire time, never let me freak out in a situation that was totally freak out-able. It is good to know we have an all knowing God, because the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
Also, confirmation that it is indeed a boy, for all of you doubters out there. I saw that for myself as well. Either a boy or a hermaphrodite, because folks, them tweren't girl parts!
He is doing well. His measurements all matched up to his gestational age. Growing like a champ and (as I can attest to by the kicks and punches and whatever else he is doing in there) getting stronger by the day. He is still a wiggle worm. He was breech in the U/S Wednesday and head down at the birthing center Friday. His favorite time to move is at night (nice huh?) except when something wakes him up during the day (like an ultrasound at noon). According to the U/S he is 2 1/2 to 3 pounds, right on track. Going strong.
I am also doing well. I have been doing 20 minutes of prenatal pilates every day, which has helped cut down on a lot of back and hip soreness. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing out of the ordinary. I have had to breathe through a few, but they don't last long and are usually pretty far apart.
If you are in the mood to pray for us, we are praying specifically for a continued healthy pregnancy, a healthy labor and delivery, a healthy baby, a good eater, a good sleeper, not a shreaker, and not allergic to Milhaud. Also, we are praying fervently for his salvation and that he would grow up like his name sake and be a man after God's own heart. I am not afraid to pray specific prayers because Christ's death has given us the freedom and courage to come boldly before God's throne. Why not take advantage.