Matt was the first one to meet him. One morning he opened the door to go to work and Milhaud and Bartok trotted in followed closely by a random black, nearly grown kitten. Matt grabbed him and sent him back outside. Bartok hissed at him and ran away (my sweet boy is such a fradey cat). Since then I think he has decided to join our family. He lets us pick him up and pet him and if we don't do either of those things he rubs on our ankles until we do.
At first we were not sure who he belonged to, but then one day our neighboret was outside with one of her kiddos and she told me they had just had a new baby and the black cat hissed at it so out he goes!
Well, now we have a new friend! Bartok and Milhaud are not thrilled. Bartok will only go outside via the backdoor now. After one initial hiss on encountering Stravinsky, Milhaud will usually settle down and successfully ignore him the same way she does Bartok.
This is the third cat to have adopted us. A few weeks after we moved in a black cat followed me (and Bartok) home from the mailbox. A few weeks ago we had an orange kitten show up in my engine (we found his family and took him home). Matt is continually telling me I am not allowed to adopt another cat, but in my defense, they come to me!
1 comment:
i think your position is completely defensible :)
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