Saturday, September 8, 2007

Whining and a day on the Brazos

Welp, I'm doing better! I now have a major "don't want to be in school anymore" attitude which is not very conducive to straight "A's." I am almost done. Only 8 more months and I graduate with an RN degree and have only the NCLEX-RN to take to be an RN, but they are stretching out before me like a long, long road that seems never to end. I am sure that once the semester gets started I will be so busy I won't have time to brood over it and the time will fly, but until then...WAAA, WAAA, WAAA (said in a big baby nasaly voice).

Week before last I went for a fun little nature hike at Brazos Bend State Park. That was fun, albeit a bit wet. Okay. A lot wet. It was raining after all. And it was humid. I got to see an alligator though. It was cool. At first I just thought it was a log (okay, cliche, but true), but then I noticed that it had fresh moss on it and then it blinked!! Very cool. I also did a bit of flash card studying for my math exam the next day (which I got a 100 on thank you very much) in the observation tower. I was going to walk all the way around the 40 Acre lake, but as I got about half way around I noticed that the lake had overflowed onto the road and they tell you to not walk in the lake or by low banks so I turned around. Bummer. It was good times, but by the time I got back in my car my hair was actually dripping like I had pored a bucket of water over it. I am not sure why. I was wearing a poncho after all. Anyway, over all good times.
It definitely made up for the fact that the woman I went to for a hair cut cut my hair way too bushy and short. I told her just above my jawline and she cut it mid ear...when its wet. Yeah.

Anyway. I gotta go. Lunch time!!!

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