Monday, August 27, 2007

A Jonah day (night)

So I got to work last night and was told that I was assigned to the desk. "Ah, good," thought I, " I have some reading to do and this is very handy." First thing I find out when I get to the desk is there is no floor tech until 11:00 so I am needed to do 10:00 vital signs. That's fine. No sweat. There are only 17 moms and 8 babies. No problem. Yes problem. One of the sets of parents apparently did not know how to change their baby because they had not changed him since the nurse on day shift changed him and they were waiting for the night nurse to come and change him. They didn't notice that he had soaked all the way through his diaper and both blankets. Before I could do vital signs on him I had to change his diaper (teaching the parents how to do so and how to care for his new circumcision (which was probably burning from all the urine, poor thing)) and change his bedding. This set me back a good 10 to 15 minutes (each patient is supposed to take me 1-2 minutes max). Finally, I finished vital signs and went in search for a turkey sandwich for another patient. This whole time my stomach has been feeling very funny. I finally get back to the desk with some juice hoping it will settle my stomach. After I drink the first juice my tummy is really feeling funny and I decide to go to the bathroom...just in case. Well, good decision. There goes my dinner/breakfast (whatever you want to call it). Then come the chills and hot flashes. All night long. I don't think I will go to the gym this morning, but I have to go to class. I have no choice. Please pray for me. I feel yucky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh!!! I hope you feel better!! How are you now?