Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ah...Texas weather

So I had an experience that goes with the old saying about Houston weather: If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes (or in this case, drive about 50 yards further). I was driving home from my mom's house Wednesday night when all of a sudden it looked kind of foggy. I had just enough time to think, "Huh. Its kinda foggy here" when the car in front of me suddenly hit their brakes! Right about the same place they hit their brakes a wall of water hit my car and I had to hit my brakes as I couldn't see a thing! I finally got my windshield wipers on and my car under control and about 50 yards into the torrential downpour it just stopped...nothing. The road was wet, but it was wet like when several cars go through a puddle on a dry day. Wild. The funny thing was that there was a car stalled in that 50 yards of rain. I felt like going back and telling them that if they push their car a little ways they could at least be stalled in dry weather. That actually happened several times coming home. What a trip.

Oh! Hurricane Dean is supposedly on its way to South Texas, but I don't think it will be stopping here. Just in case though we are at least going to be taping our windows. Me and mom are going to Florida to pick up my nephew at my brothers house and Matto is going to Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels, Tx with the youth group (unless they cancel due to the hurricane, but that's not likely seeing as how the hurricane is most likely heading to S. Tx and Northern Mexico) so really the only ones to be concerned about are the kitties. Ah, well. They have a very good hiding place under the bathtub in our bathroom so they will hopefully be okay. It is good to live somewhat inland during hurricane season. Please be praying all the same. Especally for those that it will hit.

1 comment:

DellaRose said...

fun weather :) reminds me of Samoa...praying for "Dean"