Saturday, December 15, 2007

FINISHED (till January anyway...)

As of Thursday I am finished with all my classes and I have passed all of them with "Bs" straight across the board. No Phi Theta Kapa, but at least I will graduate in May! I was concerned for awhile that I wouldn't pass Management, but a good grade on my presentation and final paper turned me in the passing direction. 1/3 of my class did not. Next semester the class will be significantly diminished. Sad times.

In the middle of the semester I felt like I would never finish nursing school. There was no light at the end of the tunnel. There wasn't even a faint glow, but now I can at least see a glimmer. Next semester is all about ICU and critical care. We will also be taking an NCLEX-RN review class.

The NCLEX-RN is the licensing exam I have to take after I graduate. Before I graduate, however, I have to pass the HESI exam. This exam is kind of like NCLEX-RN, but not. It is like a practice test. We took the midcurricular HESSI last week and without studying I received an 82% chance of passing the NCLEX. I think I will study before the next one and before the NCLEX.That will give me an even better chance of passing!

Last Sunday Matto directed our church choir singing Vivaldi's Gloria. It was super fun. I got to sing the duet and soprano solo. Funny - People at the church kept saying to me afterwards, "Who knew that sound was in you!"

I also heard from several people that this was the best Christmas concert in a long time. Matto hired an orchestra. Also, the Gloria was a big deal. These people don't normally sing in different languages. It was a big challenge and they came through. Matto wants to do Rutter Requiem for Easter. It is longer, but it is more homophonic so it should be a little easier.

Matto was complimented to me and my mom on Thursday after choir practice. One of the singers came up to us and said he was grateful that Matt is so versitle. He was very impressed that Matt is able to direct choral master works, but in the next hour he is able to join the "good ole boy" group and in the next hour he can lead a contemporary worship band.

I am so proud of my talented man. I hope more people in the church realize how great he is and how fortunate they are to have him.

I guess that's all.


Anonymous said...

That's a lot of acronyms!

good luck, chica


Jacquelyn said...

Hey Kathrine, just came across your blog. I'm going to have to do some internet research on Milhaud since I've never heard of the guy. Glad to see that you and Matt are doing well and having fun!