Saturday, January 26, 2008


Welp, here I am at the beginning of the last semester. I am both excited and scared out of my mind. After graduation I have the NCLEX-RN and then...I am in charge of real patients. All of a sudden I will be practicing on my own license instead of mooching off my instructors. I will be making decisions, sometimes life or death decisions. My mom says every nurse goes through the scarey phase at the end of school, but she also says it is not as bad as we make it in our minds.

We had a great Christmas. My family came over on the 22nd and we had a great time. Matt's Mom, Dad, and brother Daniel came on the 24th and stayed through the 27th. My family came to one of our Christmas Eve services and between services we had a little family gathering at our house. It was good times. We had Hogan family Christmas on the 25th. Unfortunately I don't have any pics because A) our camera is on the fritz and B) our computer is also on the fritz so the only way I have to blog is at work and on Matt's computer at the church and at school. If we get a tax return it is going to a new computer!

Matto left for Mexico the morning of the 27th and came back the next week with a horrid chest cold. I attacked it with fluids (much to his chargrin: "I have had so much grape juice I think I am going to explode!" "Well have some orange juice instead!" What a terrible thing to have a nurse for a wife!). Anyway, it worked because when we went on our wedding anniversary trip to San Antonio his cough was much better...So There!

We spent 3 days in San Antonio and had a marvelous time. We spent the first one in the hotel room and didn't leave until supper time! One of the days we spent just walking around the River Walk and Alamo and when we got tired we sat down and read our books. So great!

And now it is back to the grind stone. Except that I haven't done any studying for the first two weeks of school so I guess I will do that now! I think I will start reviewing OB tonight.

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